Scarlett Valentine, at the Jeremy Scott show*.
I asked Scarlett if she would mind kind of climbing the fence for the photo and the poor thing almost impaled herself on one of the spikes- owwww!!! I felt so bad as I have done it myself (of course I wasn't doing anything illegal ;)) and I know it hurts like crazy. Sorry Scarlett- thanks for being such a great sport and laughing about it after :))
I didn't realise that Jeremy does an iconic Pliage bag each season for Longchamp (hellllloooo where have I been?!) until I photographed a guy with one last week. It was the Jeremy Scott gold credit card Pliage bag which I thought was super cute. From the photos, I also love the Poodle bag from a few seasons ago and the new one, available now, the telephone print bag. It has a very Get Smart feel to it!
Running With The Fash Pack...London Fashion Week SS 2010