Wandering the streets of London looking for stylish, unique, beautiful people to photograph, I've noticed that since the sun has started peeking its head out of the clouds everyone's mood has lifted....people are happier, friendlier, pubs are packed with people spilling onto the pavement après-work, ice-cream vans (can anyone tell me why a Flake 99 does not cost 99 p? It has perplexed me since my first summer here in 2007) are popping up everywhere, Alphonso mango season is just around the corner....oh yes, and girls (and some guys) are starting to show some bare leg!
Like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, out go the jeans, the opaque tights, the stockings, the leggings of the Winter season and in comes gorgeous acres of bare leg: Winter pale or (fake)tanned, bronzed and glossy- who cares? It's Spring and anything goes :) I love this gorgeous floaty, sheer waft of a floral dress Rosalyn is wearing. With her hair and fringed ankle boots she kind of gives it a Bohemian/hippie vibe and avoids it all looking too pretty and romantic.