Angeline: Le Chapeau, Le Rouge Sac, Le Oyster Card.....C'est Magnifique!
Um yeah, so I probably got my French all a little bit muddled up but you get what I am saying- Angeline, a French model, looks fabulous. I have been trying to learn some French on my ipod but I wouldn't say it is going terribly well - pretty badly in fact and I am only on the first "intro" lesson. We are heading to Paris later this year (hopefully coinciding with the men's collections in June) so I am trying desperately to learn a tiny bit of French. Normally I just gesture with my camera, waffle on a bit using the three words of French I know and a lot of weirdly accented English (why does that happen? I end up sounding German I think!) and smile a lot. This time I am determined to learn some French before we get there so at least I can ask people if they would mind if I took a photograph for my blog. Mmmmm I suspect it would help if I practiced, oh, say more than once a fortnight ;-)
p.s. For any non-Londoners, the oyster card is that little blue and yellow card inside Angeline's pocket (essential for regular Tube travel!)
The Sartorialist and Garance Doré are in Australia this week for AFW. I can't wait to see their photographs.... No doubt they will be achingly beautiful. Let's hope the weather in Sydney and Melbourne is suitably well behaved for them :)
Christing was wearing an American Apparel grey tank, Miu Miu shades, Diesel scarf, New Look stripey skirt and rockin' ASOS boots. She looks amazing....and her blog details her fashionable wanderings around London and the Globe. Check it.
Barbara now lives in Miami and works as an interior and exterior designer (she has worked with Chris Blackwell on many of his hotels in Miami and the Bahamas, as well as on private commissions) in addition to designing a range of bags for Coccinelle, a range of wallpaper for Habitat and Graham&Brown, and a small jewellery collection with the V&A. Phew- I am exhausted just typing all that :)
And so it was with the beautiful Emily, who works for Vanity Fair magazine, and who I've now photographed twice. I love the way Emily dresses - timeless classics with an edge. And all topped off with her amazing mane of strawberry blonde hair.
And gorgeous model Amber was wearing a Blauer leather jacket with a little Topshop floral sundress:
I spotted a couple of bow ties (an Alber Elbaz/Lanvin trademark) on the streets this week:
Benjamin (above), an actor, was wearing all 1960's vintage:
I am aching to capture someone wearing the "Gorilla" print dress from Christopher Kane's Spring/Summer 09 collection.
And do y'all note what they have in common? Yep, that's right - they've all got a little bare chest action going on. As I was saying last week, the sun comes out and you start seeing a teeny bit more skin on show: for the girls it might be a wee bit of sunblessed leg or arm, and for the guys? It's all about the plunging neckline.
In Sydney, the plunging neckline for guys is pretty much de rigueur for long summer days (my friend Dale had a slinky Ksubi t-shirt that plunged almost to his belly button!) but I haven't seen it as much on the streets of London. Let us hope that this is one trend which sticks around for the (hopefully) long, hot summer ahead.Embarrassingly, I may have asked this guy if he was a model.....Um, helllllooooo, of course he is a model - just look at him! Some days I wish the bitumen would just swallow me up.
These are not those shots :) Maybe I will post them later in the week.
No, these shots are of two girls I spied wearing some very pretty Spring outfits, worked back with black tights, while I was wandering around Shoreditch and Liverpool Street.