The word of mehndi is use to take mostly in asian countries from a long timeb ut these days the word mehndi and mehndi designs are also getting popular in west also.The tradition of applying mehndi designs on hands,arms nad feet is very old and in asian countries specially paksitan,suadi arabia,iraq,iran,iraq,bangladesh nad srilanka also.

Bridal Mehndi Designs
Mehndi is use to apply on brides or diulhan hands speciially on weddings.Day before wedding or barat the girls nad women arranges mehndi party in which they use to apply mehndi on brides hands with tradityion,Here ares some dulhan mehndi designs.mehndi designs for dulhan.The mehndi designs of dulhan or brides is mostly heavy pattrens of designs while bride sister or friends use to apply simple mehndi designs on hands.

Dulhan Mehndi Designs

Dulhan Mehndi Designs
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