Remember the brilliant movie "Office Space" staring Jennifer Aniston and Ron Livingston? (which incidentally is now 10 years old- it was released in 1999!). Whenever I see someone wearing badges (or "buttons" as I think they are called in America), I always think of the scene where Jennifer's character is berated by the manager of the restaurant for wearing only the bare minimum "15 pieces of flair" :)
I like badges- I collect them. Well, when I say "collect" what I mean is that I am a terrible hoarder and hate throwing things out - especially if they remind me of a time, place, or someone or something special in my life. I still have my badges from school, a little red badge from the Met in NYC (circa 2005), a black badge I got from Copenhagen last year which says "Vaelg en Omvej" (no idea what this means- I pray it isn't something terribly naughty or offensive!), some Clarice Bean badges (probably meant for someone 25 years younger than me- but I like them), and a little snowman badge a friend gave me the Christmas before last. Trouble is, I never actually wear my badges: they just sit on the shelf garnering dust and "helpful" comments from my husband as to their necessity in our already cluttered apartment. Perhaps I should take inspiration from the girl above who looked great in her leather jacket with "added flair" (love those neon pink heels) and start wearing them. Perhaps on a Summer hat?....although obviously one needs to proceed with caution to avoid looking like an overgrown Girl Guide on the way back from Jamboree.
Or from this guy who was wearing just one lonely piece of flair: Being curious, I also love reading people's badges as well.....
Hers: I *heart* Hackney, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, AC/DC, Get Rude
His: AT (anyone know what this means?)
Street Style...."15 Pieces of Flair"