Remember that song "Together in Electric Dreams" from the movie Electric Dreams? Well, I have been humming it in my head since 4:00am this morning (don't ask me why: re the song and the crazy hour... insomnia is a hideous thing). Actually, as I type, I realise that most of you wouldn't even have been born in 1984 when the song came out- arghhhhh I feel so old! You have to watch the clip though... those 80's fashions. Damn Skippy!
What has Electric Dreams got to do with Electric Blue Jeans? um, nothing....except Jeans and Dreams rhyme. Wow, it's going to be a loooooooooong day.
Paris blue jeans (below)
Love how she's blinged up her may not be able to see from the photo but she has a gold smiley face and a tiny little Eiffel Tower attached to the handle of her LV.