Today (Monday 23 February 2009) I fulfilled one of my dreams. I got to meet THE most influential fashion and street style blogger in the world. The Master of Street Fashion photography himself: Mr Scott Schuman.....THE SARTORIALIST.
Those of you who follow Scott's blog will know what I mean when I say that I almost wet myself when I spotted him outside the Marios Schwab show: my understanding is that Scott rarely (if ever) comes to London Fashion Week. After double checking that it was indeed Scott (with a another photographer who assured me that it was indeed the great man himself), I mustered enough courage to introduce myself and squeak out a few words. And he was lovely, like REALLY lovely. And friendly. And handsome (those eyes!). I asked if I could take his photograph and he graciously allowed me to. And... no, I am not going to publish it :)
Special moment: when The Sartorialist and Face Hunter greeted each other warmly. We like that :)
So tonight as I process my photos sipping a (large) glass of red, I am feeling rather chuffed and a wee bit giddy ;-) And revived. And refreshed. Despite my musings on Saturday that perhaps LFW had lost its lustre, the arrival of The Sartorialist has laid those fears to rest. LFW is back (if it ever went away in the first place!)
Outside Christopher Kane:
Running with the Fash Pack...London Fashion Week A/W 09 (Day 3)