is only lunchtime and my head is already crying out for panadol and a soothing lie-down in a quiet, darkened ("draw the curtains won't you darling") room. What has caused this pounding fracas in my head I hear you ask? A night out at Claridge's sipping, no, guzzling, copious amounts of Ruinart Blanc de Blancs? A 15km early morning jog around the streets of London followed by a "gentle" pilates session to warm down*? An unfortunate "incident" in Mayfair with Nicola Roberts (from Girls Aloud) and her boyfriend?** Pah! No, our apartment building seems to have turned into a construction site of Candy&Candy-esque proportions overnight- the banging, the drilling, the relentless hammering - all seemingly being carried out directly above my head. Apart from the hideous noise, the high-pitched drilling is a constant reminder that I need to go to the dentist....
And so to today's post... some Hermès to soothe and swoon over. For yes, every time I see a Hermes Birkin I swoon (and probably drool) in a very unattractive manner. For me, IT bags come and go but a Hermes Birkin remains forever: classic, elegant, understated..... and I am quite sure that it can hold a Nikon D200 or, perhaps even a Nikon D3 as well! And a Birkin is entirely ageless: whether you are in your twenties or your nineties it looks appropriate (oh how I would love to photograph a lady in her 'more mature years' carrying a Birkin- a mission for me to complete perhaps?)
Anyhow, this girl was fabulous. Do you note she is wearing fishnets with her little thong gladiator flats? (TopShop if you must know). How does one wear fishnets with a thong toe? Crikey, I have enough trouble with the thong post itself (anyone else need to "break in" their soft, delicate winter skin between Big Toe and Next Door Toe before wearing thongs in summer?Or is that just an Aussie thing?) let alone adding fishnet tights to the mix!
And beautiful Emily Zak of Vogue Magazine- so very, very elegant but with a little "pop" of glorious green studded Hermès around her waist to shake things up a bit. Oh Hermès how I love thee :)

*I hear you snickering- I so could jog 15km if I really tried....okaaaaay, so maybe 15km is a little ambitious...mmmm maybe more like 50 metres
**I still haven't decided whether to blog about my um "incident" with Ms Roberts lest I come across like I have been sucking too many sour apple and custard sweeties ;-)